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Let Ecuatoriana Painting Services Paint Your House!

Ecuatoriana Painting Services is known throughout New Jersey as a trusted and talented painting company because of our attention to detail and the experience that we bring to every job.
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Is to maintain a neat, clean work environment. We understand that the painting process can be unsettling, so we do our best to keep job-sites tidy and we strive to finish the job quickly and professionally.

We offer a complimentary color consultation for all of our scheduled customers. During these consultations, Ecuatoriana Painting Services  will offer guidance regarding the colors you have chosen or assist you in picking a new color scheme for your home..

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Interior Painting

You have found the panting company that you looking for your home interior painting project.


Kitchen Renovation

When it come to kitchen renovation, Ecuatoriana Painting Services  is the company that you can rely for this special project.


Exterior Painting

With over 20 plus year of experience in house exterior painting, Ecuatoriana Painting Services is the company that you need.


Bathroom Renovation

Bathrooms are so importan in  for our lives and our home that we understand that renovating a bathroom requires 100% detail.


House Renovation

Ecuatoriana Painting Services  have the reputation and trust from many happy clients in New Jersey.


Basement Renovation

If you looking to build or renovate your basement, R General Painting is the company that will take care everything.

Our Latest Projects

Real Reviews


Painting & Granite Service

"Painting and kitchen renovationwas wonderful he is perfect he made a wonderful job he is professional and on time"

Siding pressure washing & painting service

"Pressure washing and exterior painting also repaired the sidings

He is very good! everytime I needed something I called them when I needed them and they are clean, they cover the furnitures and floor if they will and they are professional and on time I'm happy with what they did and I never had a problem with them."

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(973) 234-0234

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